We were so glad to get there and see everyone, especially the twins! I couldn't wait to hold them. They are so sweet and tiny! When I wasn't chasing Grady around the house, I was just sitting and holding those sweet girls. At first I didn't think they were identical, but after spending more time with them and looking at them in person, I thought they might be. It's still hard to tell. All I know is that they are just so cute! My favorite is to see them lying side by side together in their crib. I have a special bond with my sisters, and I know these girls will, too. They make the cutest little sounds and are really good babies. I know Brian and Robin don't get much sleep during the night, but I think that's mostly because it's a long process to feed two babies, not so much that they are crying. Of course, I wasn't up in the middle of the night with them, so I could be wrong!
I was however, up in the middle of the night with my own child! That child is SO routine and schedule oriented it's not even funny. Are we sure Grady isn't Katie's baby??? Just kidding, sis! No matter what time he goes to bed, he is still up BY seven. He does not do well "out of his element". He went to sleep pretty easily, but when he woke up in the middle of the night and didn't know where he was, it was GAME OVER. After an hour or so, I ended up on the floor with him next to his pack and play trying to grab a few more hours of sleep before he woke up again. The next night, Dad and Charlotte were gone, so when he woke up in the middle of the night, I took him in the guest bed and slept with him there. And then again last night. Let's hope now that we are back home he will be back into his routine. I do not want to be up at 4 am tonight trying to sleep next to a baby that is playing with my face and my hair!
Here are a couple of pics of Chief and Bailey who I'm pretty sure Mikey wanted to steal. Can you imagine us riding home in the Malibu with Ellie, Chief, Bailey, and Grady all in the back seat? They are pretty dogs, but I think they'd rather stay in Memphis!
We had a delicous Thanksgiving feast on Thursday... all Hatcher family favorites... fried turkey, hashbrown casserole, corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, cornbread dressing, sweet rolls, crockpot macaroni and cheese, and turnip greens. We have a lot to be thankful for the past 12 months... 1 marriage (another one soon!), and FOUR babies!!!! The Lord has blessed us this year!