Speaking of churches, we have been trying to find a good one that we can both agree one. Mikey is a typical yankee and does not do Baptist churches. (Just kidding about the yankee comment... well, kind of). He is not into the whole "dunking" baptisms. Ok, I ain't gonna lie, I really don't want to be dunked either for two reasons. 1- I've already been baptised as an infant and I do not think I should have to do it again in order to become a member of a church. And 2- no one looks good with wet hair, smeared make up, and clingy clothes. Let's be honest here, I don't need my clothes clinging to any part of my body any worse than they already do, not even my big toe, so I'm with my hubby on this one. Oh yeah, and also we really want Grady to be baptised the way we were, you know with the sprinkling of the water representing the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We don't want to do the baby dedication. And for all you baptist readers, I'm not knocking the baptist way. Honestly, I'm not. There is nothing wrong with it, in fact it's the way it was done in the Bible, but I just prefer not to do it that way. (If you've forgotten why, refer back to the aforementioned reasons).
But anyway, it's unfortunate about the whole dunking situation (we both agree the only thing we want to dunk is a donut, which is perhaps why I do not look so great in clingy clothes) because I really enjoyed a baptist church I tried a few weeks ago. Mikey didn't come with me that day because Grady was asleep...and if you know me well, you know I don't wake a sleeping baby unless the house is burning down, and even then that's only if I've already tried to put wet towels under his door to keep the fire out and that has failed.
So, we have come to an agreeance that we will not try anymore Baptist churches and stick with the Methodist or Presbyterian churches. We will just try until we find a good fit for us. Hopefully Grady will not be 16 when that happens.
On a whim, we tried a church today that was non-denominational and we enjoyed the message from the pastor a lot. However, coming from very conservative backgrounds, there were one too many "amens, hallelujahs, praise the Lord" shouted from the crowd. Pair that with hand clapping a few hands in the air and Mikey felt about as uncomfortable as a bum on a porcupine. Again, for all you non-denominational readers, I'm not knocking the shout outs either. (Y'all like how I assume we have a slew of readers out there? I'm pretty sure it's just a few family members, and none of y'all are off the chain curtain climbers in church. Although a few are baptist, so please don't take offense to the dunking donuts. I mean, baptismal pool.)
But enough about church (can I get an amen?)... here are some pictures of our crazy little man (who is sprouting a vampire tooth, just fyi)...
Preach it sister! I think you should go where you enjoy it and have friends your age. You'll want to go to a church you like, so don't worry about the name on the sign.
Where is the pic of grady waving bye-bye?!
I think Katie is right, go where you feel comfortable. Hallelujah!
And Grady is such a cutie! I love his outfits!!
He looks really good dressed up like a boy. Good luck finding a church. I am sure that you will find one soon enough and force, I mean invite, Mikey to come with you (like Robin). I like how Grady has 4 footballs. They are all slightly different in size, which is key.
Love Brian
You are hilarious! I, of course, am covered (no pun intended) because I was baptised as a baby and dunked as an adult. :)
It is important that Mikey go with you, so do find a church where you both can worship comfortably. You have a strong Presbyterian background! :)
Katie, I will get a pic of the waving. I just keep forgetting! And I don't really have to force Mikey to go, he actually wants to go (maybe he just tells me that, but he doesn't really complain anymore, so that's good!)
i am along with Nancy. i am doubly safe because I have been baptised both ways! You never can be too sure!!!
Anyhow just go to a church were you feel at home. That is why Jeff and I go to our church because we love the welcomeness and how friendly everyone is.
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