Sunday, September 19, 2010

Crazy Grady!

Just a few pics of our mischievous Grady…. He gets into anything and everything he can get away with!

Standing on the “mow mow”

Climbing into the dresser to play his new favorite game, hide and seek….

Taking a shower with Daddy- Peek a Boo!

Collecting money for his piggy bank…

He most definitely keeps us on our toes, but we are having a blast at this age. He is very good at mimicking us and his vocabulary becomes more expansive by the day it seems. He asks for KK (Katie) and Anna Cross daily and many things remind him of them. His memory amazes us!


Katie and Beau said...

Uh, of course he remembers us, we're like the two coolest people ever!

Where is the picture of Mikey in the shower????

Grady can play hide and seek? What a smart boy! It looks like he's trying to play hide and seek with Jackie!

Rob and Macey said...

Ha, ha, collecting money? It looks like stealing money to me!:) Grady is definitely a lot of fun!:)

nancygrayce said...

Thank you for not showing Mikey in the shower! Those are the cutest pictures! He's a boy's boy!!!

Samantha said...

Cute pictures! He's such a smart boy!! Love him!! Miss you guys!

Cathy said...

Cute and smart.....what a doll!!!